Capelluto D.G.S., Hellman U, Cazzulo J.J. and Cannata J.J.B. Purification and partial characterization of three isoforms of serine hydroxymethyltransferase from Crithidia fasciculata. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol., 98(2),187-201(1999).
Capelluto D.G.S. Presence of a natural occurring inhibitor of Trypanosoma cruzi serine hydroxymethyltransferase. J. Arg. Chem. Soc., 87(1/2), 43-50 (1999).
Capelluto D.G.S., Hellman U, Cazzulo J.J. and Cannata J.J.B. Serine hydroxymethyltransferase of Trypanosoma cruzi: Purification and some properties. Eur. J. Biochem., 267, 1-9 (2000).
Capelluto D.G.S., Kutateladze T.G., Habas R., Finkielstein C.V., He X. and Overduin M. DIX domain targets Dishevelled to actin stress fibers and vesicular membranes. Nature, 419, 726-729 (2002).
Kutateladze T.G., Capelluto D.G.S., Ferguson C.G, Cheever M., Kutateladze, A, Prestwich G.D. and Overduin M. Multivalent mechanism of membrane insertion by the FYVE domain. J. Biol Chem. 279, 3050-3057(2004).
Capelluto D.G.S. and Overduin M. Secondary structure, 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments and molecular interactions of the Dishevelled DIX domain. J. Biochem Mol. Biol., 38, 243-247 (2005).
Finkielstein C.V., Overduin M and Capelluto D.G.S.* Cell migration and signaling specificity is determined by the phosphatidylserine recognition motif of Rac1, J. Biol. Chem., 281(37):27317-26 (2006).
Tokonzaba E., Capelluto D.G.S., Kutateladze T. and Overduin M. Phosphoinositide, phosphopeptide and pyridone interactions of the Abl SH2 domain, Chem. Biol. Drug Des., 67:230-237 (2006).
Sweede M, Ankem G, Chutvirasakul B, Azurmendi H, Chbeir S., Watkins J, Helm R, Finkielstein C.V. and Capelluto D.G.S.* Structural and membrane binding properties of the Prickle PET domain. Biochemistry 47(51):13524-36 (2008).
Yang J., Kim K., Lucas, A, Drahos, K., Santos, C, Mury, S, Capelluto D.G.S. and Finkielstein C.V. A Novel Heme Regulatory Motif Is Essential for Heme-Mediated Degradation of the Circadian Transcription Factor Period 2. Mol. Cell Biol. 15:4697-4711 (2008).
Finkielstein C.V. and Capelluto D.G.S. International research internships for the high school students. Book Chapter (2008). In Education Outreach and Public Engagement. Series: Mentoring in Academia and Industry, Vol. 1. Erin Dolan, editor Ed. Springer.
Drahos K.E, Welsh J.E., Finkielstein C.V. and Capelluto D.G.S.* Sulfatides Partition Disabled-2 in Response to Platelet Activation. PLoS ONE 4(11): e8007. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008007 (2009).
Kale S., Gu B, Capelluto D.G.S., Dou D., Feldman, E, Rumore A, Arredondo FD, Hanlon R, Fudal I, Rouxel T, Lawrence C., Shan W. and Tyler B.M. Effector host-targeting signals of eukaryotic pathogens bind phosphoinositides. Cell 142:284-295 (2010).
Allen WJ, Capelluto D.G.S., Finkielstein C.V and Bevan D.R. Modeling the Relationship between the p53 C-terminal Domain and Binding Partners Using Molecular Dynamics. . J Phys Chem 114: 13201-13213 (2010).
Azurmendi H., Mitra S., Ayala I., Li L., Finkielstein C.V. and Capelluto D.G.S.* Backbone 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignments and secondary structure of the Tollip CUE domain. Mol. Cells 30(6), 581-585 (2010).
Ankem G., Mitra S., Sun F., Moreno A.C., Chutvirasakul B., Azurmendi H.F., Li L. and Capelluto D.G.S. The C2 domain of Tollip, a Toll-like receptor signaling regulator, exhibits a broad preference to phosphoinositides. Biochem J, 435: 597-608 (2011).
Welsh J.D., Charonko J.J., Salmanzadeh-Dozdabi A., Drahos K.E., Shafiee H., Stremler M.A., Davalos R., Capelluto D.G.S., Vlachos P.P. and Finkielstein C.V. Disabled-2 negative regulates homotypic and heterotypic platelet aggregation by binding to sulfatides. British J. Hematol. 154: 122-133 (2011).
Alajlouni R., Drahos, K.E., Finkielstein C.V. and Capelluto D.G.S.* Lipid-mediated membrane binding properties of Disabled-2. Biochim Biophys Acta-Biomembranes, 1808: 2734-2744 (2011).
Gotoh T., Villa L., Capelluto D.G.S. and Finkielstein C.V. Regulatory pathways coordinating cell cycle progression in early Xenopus development. Results Probl. Cell Differ. 53: 171-199 (2011).
Capelluto D.G.S. Tollip: a multitasking protein in innate immunity and protein trafficking. Microbes Infect., 14(2):140-7 (2012).
Maitra U., Deng H., Glaros T., Baker B., Capelluto D.G.S., Li Z., and Li L. Molecular mechanisms responsible for the selective and low-grade induction of pro-inflammatory mediators by lipopolysaccharide. J. Immunol., 189: 1014-1023 (2012).
Xiao S., Charonko J.J., Fu X, Salmanzadeh-Dozdabi A., Davalos R.V., Vlachos P.P., Finkielstein C.V., and Capelluto D.G.S.* Structure, sulfatide binding properties, and inhibition of platelet aggregation by a Disabled-2 protein-derived peptide. J Biol Chem, 287: 37691-37702 (2012)
Sun F., Kale S.D., Azurmendi H.F., Li D., Tyler B.M., and Capelluto D.G.S.* Structural basis for interactions of the Phytophthora sojae RXLR effector Avh5 with phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate and for host cell entry. Mol Plant Microbe Interact, 26:330-344 (2013).
Xiao S., Finkielstein C.V., and Capelluto D.G.S.* The enigmatic role of sulfatides: new insights in cellular functions and mechanisms of protein recognition. Chapter 3. In Lipid-mediated Protein Signaling. Daniel G. S. Capelluto, editor, Adv Exp Biol Med. Ed. Springer, 991:27-40. (2013)
Mitra S., Traughber C. A., Brannon M. K., Gomez S., and Capelluto D.G.S.* Ubiquitin interacts with the Tollip C2 and CUE domains and inhibits binding of Tollip to phosphoinositides. J Biol Chem, 288:25780-91 (2013).
Xiao S., Zhao X., Finkielstein C.V., and Capelluto D.G.S.* A rapid procedure to isolate isotopically-labeled peptides for NMR studies: Application to the Disabled-2 sulfatide-binding motif. J. Pept. Sci., 20: 216-222 (2014).
Capelluto D.G.S.,* Zhao X., Lucas A., Lemkul J., Xiao S., Fu X., Sun F., Bevan D., and Finkielstein C.V. Biophysical and molecular simulations studies of phosphatidic acid binding by the Dishevelled-2 DEP domain, Biophys. J., 106: 1101-1111 (2014).
Lucas A.T., Fu X., Liu J., Brannon M.K., Yang J., Capelluto D.G.S., and Finkielstein C.V.* Ligand binding reveals a role for heme in translationally-controlled tumor protein dimerization. PLoS ONE Nov 14;9(11):e112823. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0112823 (2014).
Xiao S., Brannon M.K., Zhao X., Fread K., Ellena J.F., Bushweller J.H., Finkielstein C.V., Armstrong G., and Capelluto D.G.S.* Tom1 negatively modulates binding of Tollip to phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate via a coupled folding and binding mechanism. Structure, 23:1910-1920 (2015).
Selfridge J.M., Moyer K., Capelluto D.G.S., and Finkielstein C.V*. Opening the debate: How to fulfill the need for physicians’ training in circadian-related topics in a full medical school curriculum. J Circadian Rhythms, 13:Art. 7 (2015).
Xiao S., Ellena J.F., Armstrong G., and Capelluto D.G.S.* Structure of the GAT domain of the endosomal adaptor protein Tom1. Data in Brief, 344-348 (2016).
Finkielstein C.V., and Capelluto D.G.S. Disabled-2: a modular scaffold protein with multifaceted functions in signaling. Bioessays, 1:S45-55 (2016).
Selfridge J., Gotoh T., Schiffhauer S., Liu, JJ, Stauffer P., Li A., Capelluto D.G.S., and Finkielstein C.V. Chronotherapy: intuitive, sound, founded…but not broadly applied, Drugs 76:1507-1521 (2016).
George D., Charkhesht A., Hull O., Mishra A., Capelluto D.G.S., Mitchell-Koch K., and Vinh N. Hydration Dynamics and Micelle-Water Interactions in Zwitterionic Micelles. J Phys Chem, Part B 120:10757-10767 (2016).
Ellena J.F., Xiong W., Zhao X., Shanaiah, N. and Capelluto D.G.S.* Backbone 1H, 15N, and 13C resonance assignments of the Tom1 VHS domain, Biol NMR Assign 11:1-4 (2017).
Cortes D.F., Tang TX., Capelluto D.G.S., and Lazar I.M. Nanoflow valve for the removal of trapped air in microfluidic structures. Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 243:650-657 (2017)
Zhao X., Xiong W., Xiao S., Tang, T-X., Ellena J.F., Armstrong G., Finkielstein, C.V., and Capelluto D.G.S.* Membrane targeting of TIRAP is negatively regulated by phosphorylation in its phosphoinositide-binding motif, Sci Rep 7:43043 (2017).
Tang T-X., Jo A., Deng J., Ellena J.F., Lazar I.M., David R., and Capelluto D.G.S.*, Structural, thermodynamic, and phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate binding properties of Phafin2, Prot Sci 26:814-823 (2017).
Tang TX., Xiong W., Finkielstein C.V., and Capelluto D.G.S.* Identification of ligand-binding modulators using the protein-lipid overlay assay, Proteomics for Drug Discovery, Meth Mol Biol (2017), 1647: 197-206 (2017).
Xiong W., Tang T-X., Littleton E., Karcini A., Lazar I.M., and Capelluto D.G.S.* Preferential phosphatidylinositol 5-phosphate binding contributes to a local destabilization of the VHS domain structure of Tom1. Sci. Rep., 9:10868 (2019).
Tang TX, Finkielstein C.V., and Capelluto D.G.S.* The C-terminal motif of Phafin2 inhibits PH domain binding to phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate, Biochim. Biophys. Acta-Biomembranes, invited paper for special issue on Membrane Proteins: Strucutres, Functions and Native Nanodiscs, 1862: 183230 (2020).
Song W., Gottschalk C.J., Tang TX, Biscardi A., Ellena J.F., Finkielstein C.V., Brown A.M., Capelluto D.G.S. Structural, in silico, and functional analysis of a Disabled-2-derived peptide for recognition of sulfatides. Sci Rep. 13520 (2020).
Roach T.G., Lång H., Xiong X., Ryhänen, S.J. and Capelluto D.G.S.* Cargo trafficking or lipid signaling, a dilemma for TOM1. Front Cell and Dev Biol. (2021).
Capelluto D.G.S.*, Conde C.B., Tumbarello D.A., van den Bogaart, G. Editorial: Signaling proteins for endosomal and lysosomal function. Front Cell and Dev Biol. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.821719 (2021).
Hasan M, Capelluto D.G.S.* The PH domain and C-terminal polyD motif of Phafin2 exhibit a unique concurrence in animals. Membranes 12:696 (2022).
Capelluto D.G.S. The repertoire of protein-sulfatide interactions reveal distinct modes of sulfatide recognition. Front Mol Biosc, 2022, 9:1080161 (2022).
Ellena J.F., Tang TX., Shanaiah, N. and Capelluto D.G.S*. Backbone 1H, 15N, and 13C resonance assignments of the Phafin2 pleckstrin homology domain, Biomol NMR Assignments. doi: 10.1007/s12104-021-10054-3 (2022).
Wan Z., Zho C., Li Q., Wang K., Miao J., Toro C., Wu S., Tang Y., Han Q., Sun F., Capelluto D.G.S., Li Y., Zhao B.. Xanthomonas euvesicatoria effector XeAvrRxo1 triggers a Rxo1-mediated defense response in Nicotiana benthamiana and its chaperone Xe4429 functions as an antitoxin, a transcription repressor, and an enhancer of XeAvrRxo1 secretion, under review.Okedigba A., Rosso M.L., Yu D., Shang C., Huang H., Zhang B., and Capelluto D.G.S.*. Comparative Binding Affinity Analysis of Soybean Meal Bowman-Birk and Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitors in Interactions with Animal Serine Proteases. ACS Food Sci Technol 3: 1344-1352 (2023).
Okedigba A., Rosso M.L., Yu D., Shang C., Huang H., Zhang B., and Capelluto D.G.S.*. Comparative Binding Affinity Analysis of Soybean Meal Bowman-Birk and Kunitz Trypsin Inhibitors in Interactions with Animal Serine Proteases. ACS Food Sci Technol 3: 1344-1352 (2023).
Tang TX., Hasan M., and Capelluto D.G.S.* Phafins Are More Than Phosphoinositide-Binding Proteins. Int J Mol Sci 24: 8096 (2023)
Finkielstein C.V. and Capelluto D.G.S.* The impact of sulfatide loss on the progress of Alzheimer's disease. Clin Transl Disc 4: e236 (2023).
Wan Z., Zho C., Li Q., Wang K., Miao J., Toro C., Wu S., Tang Y., Han Q., Sun F., Capelluto D.G.S., Li Y., Zhao B. Xanthomonas euvesicatoria effector XeAvrRxo1 triggers a Rxo1-mediated defense response in Nicotiana benthamiana and its chaperone Xe4429 functions as an antitoxin, a transcription repressor, and an enhancer of XeAvrRxo1 secretion, under review.

Daniel G. S. Capelluto, PhD
Associate Professor, Biological Sciences Dept.
Fralin Life Sciences Institute
Office: 263C
Lab rooms: 250/252/254
1015 Life Science Circle
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0477
(540) 231-0974